Effective Date

Social Service Tax Act
Exemption provided for modifications to adapt motor vehicles for transporting persons requiring wheelchairs March 31, 1999
Exemption provided for human blood and blood products March 31, 1999
Exemption provided for shampoos and other products for treating head lice March 31, 1999
Exemption for specified safety equipment expanded to include emergency gas shut-off devices March 31, 1999
List of items that can be purchased exempt from tax by bona fide aquaculturists expanded March 31, 1999
Additional credit or refund for multijurisdictional vehicles provided March 31, 1999
Subject to specified conditions and exclusions, goods brought into British Columbia exempt from tax as settler's effects remain exempt on conversion to business use July 1, 1998
Authority provided to register liens for failure to pay tax on taxable purchases and leases March 31, 1999
Authority provided for Commissioner to determine the value of tangible personal property that passes at a sale or lease March 31, 1999

Property Transfer Tax Act
First Time Home Buyer refund claim period extended January 1, 1998
Exemption for subdivision of single parcels amended to impose tax on net value transferred where exemption requirements not met March 31, 1999
Exemption criteria for subdivision of adjacent parcels changed to fair market value from area basis and tax imposed on net value transferred where exemption requirements not met March 31, 1999
Exemption for transfers of principal residences between related individuals clarified in relation to transfer from a deceased's estate March 31, 1999
Definition of parcel introduced March 31, 1999
Reference to hearing for purposes of ministerial appeal removed and Minister to notify taxpayer of decision March 31, 1999

Motor Fuel Tax Act
Partial refund provision extended to trucks operating an auger to dispense animal feed March 31, 1999
Authority to dye motor fuel on vessels for purposes of fuel distribution clarified March 31, 1999
Use of coloured fuel in unlicensed logging and mining industry vehicles authorized but clear fuel tax rates remain payable unless the vehicle qualifies to pay tax at the coloured fuel rate March 31, 1999
Use of coloured fuel in the oil and gas industry clarified to exclude pick-up trucks and technical inaccuracy corrected March 31, 1999
Authority to assess interest clarified March 31, 1999
Authority to prescribe the use of vehicles eligible to use coloured fuel clarified March 31, 1999

Consumption Tax Statutes
Commissioner/Director authorized to refund tax where Minister reverses assessment on appeal (Social Service Tax Act, Tobacco Tax Act and Hotel Room Tax Act) March 31, 1999

Various Taxation Statutes
Immediate payment of third party demands introduced and authority to serve demands by facsimile and other electronic means provided (Social Service Tax Act, Tobacco Tax Act, Hotel Room Tax Act, Motor Fuel Tax Act, Property Transfer Tax Act, Corporation Capital Tax Act, Insurance Premium Tax Act, Logging Tax Act and Mining Tax Act) March 31, 1999

International Financial Business (Tax Refund) Act
Non-resident broker defined March 31, 1999

Assessment Act
Use of prescribed manuals and depreciation rates for hydroelectric facilities clarified 1994 tax year

Mineral Tax Act
Ninety day time limit for appeals to the court from Mineral Tax Review Board decisions introduced March 31, 1999
Requirement to continue filing mineral tax returns until all mineral inventories and mine assets have been sold or otherwise disposed of clarified March 31, 1999
Authority provided to issue assessments where tax returns not filed March 31, 1999

Income Tax Act
Amounts deductible for royalty and deemed income rebate calculation clarified March 31, 1999
Two-year small business tax holiday eligibility clarified March 31, 1999
Redundant tax exemption for the Vancouver International Airport Authority eliminated March 31, 1999
Restriction for documentary films to qualify for the film and television tax credit eliminated March 31, 1999

Logging Tax Act
Logging tax and two-year small business tax holiday harmonized May 1, 1996


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