Statement by the Secretary to Treasury Board
Part 1:
British Columbia Economic Review and Outlook
The External Environment
Financial Markets and Commodity Prices
The British Columbia Economy
Forecast Uncertainties
The Medium Term Outlook 20032005
1.1 Key Economic Assumptions
1.2 Key Economic Indicators
1.3 British Columbia Economic Outlook
1.4 Current Economic Statistics
Topic Boxes:
The Economic Forecast Council Survey, June 2001
Part 2:
2001/02 Fiscal Update
Consolidated Revenue Fund
2001/02 Consolidated Revenue Fund Revenue
Revenue Forecast Assumptions and Risks
2001/02 Consolidated Revenue Fund Expenditure
Expenditure Assumptions and Sensitivities
Crown Corporations and Agencies
Taxpayer-supported Crown Corporations and Agencies
Self-supported Commercial Crown Corporations and Agencies
Crown Corporations Forecast Assumptions and Risks
Capital Spending
2001/02 Provincial Debt
Summary Accounts Balance Sheet
Staff Utilization
2.1 Developments Since the March 15 Budget Summary Accounts
2.2 Summary Accounts Operating Results
2.3 Summary of Changes from the March 15 Budget
2.4 Developments Since the March 15 Budget CRF Revenue
2.5 Revenue by Source Consolidated Revenue Fund
2.6 Main Revenue Forecast Assumptions and Risks Consolidated Revenue Fund
2.7 Developments Since the March 15 Budget CRF Expenditure
2.8 Expenditure by Ministry Consolidated Revenue Fund
2.9 Main Expenditure Assumptions and Forecast Risks Consolidated Revenue Fund
2.10 Developments Since the March 15 Budget Crown Corporations and Agencies
2.11 Main Crown Corporation Forecast Assumptions and Risks
2.12 Developments Since the March 15 Budget Capital Spending
2.13 Government, Crown Corporations and Agencies Capital Expenditures
2.14 Capital Projects Greater Than $50 Million
2.15 2001/02 Capital Expenditure Projects (Partial List)
2.16 Developments Since the March 15 Budget Provincial Debt
2.17 Provincial Financing
2.18 Forecast Change in Summary Accounts Financial Position
2.19 Summary Accounts Balance Sheet
2.20 Summary Accounts Staff Utilization
Topic Boxes:
Forecast Allowance Update
Provincial Financing
Part 3:
Revenue Measures
Tax Reductions to Stimulate Economic Growth and Job Creation
Summary of Revenue Measures
Revenue Measures: Supplementary Information
3.1 British Columbia Personal Income Tax Brackets and Rates
3.2 British Columbia Tax Cut Impact on Taxpayers
3.3 Personal Income Tax Top Marginal Tax Rates for 2000, 2001 and 2002
Part 4:
Supplementary Tables
Table 1 Five-Year Economic Forecast:
Table 1.1 Gross Domestic Product British Columbia and Canada
Table 1.2 Components of British Columbia Real GDP at Market Prices
Table 1.3 Income and Expenditure
Table 1.4 Labour Market Indicators
Table 1.5 British Columbia Employment by Sector
Table 1.6 Economic Assumptions
Table 1.7 Financial Markets
Table 1.8 Selected Growth Rates
Table 2 Interprovincial Comparisons of Tax Rates 2001
Table 3 Interprovincial Comparisons of Provincial Personal Income Taxes Payable 2001
Table 4 Comparison of Provincial and Federal Taxes by Province 2001
Table 5 Revenue by Source Consolidated Revenue Fund
Table 6 Expense by Function Consolidated Revenue Fund
Table 7 Provincial Debt Summary
Table 8 Key Debt Indicators
News Release
Tax Cut Fact Sheet
Legislation Summary
Communications Branch (e-mail)
Copyright © 2001: Queens Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada